This is an interesting piece insomuch as it has been drawn using very basic materials. I started with the roughest of pencil outlines which i then started to layer with coloured pencils, marker pens and felt tips. I like the idea of using materials that are cheap, close at hand, everyday items. I'm sure that i'm by no means the first artist to employ such techniques to produce a finished piece in fact i feel it harks back to those old school techniques that we all used when we were children. It embraces spontaneity and simplicity, it's something that anyone with an interest in art can have a go at without laying out on expensive materials.
The piece itself is reminiscent of early Mexican art although that wasn't a direct influence, as with much of my art it's just the way it turned out although i did want to evoke a feeling of days long gone when powerful, colourful images adorning the temple wall would inspire and overawe the viewer. I think a lot of my work embraces styles used in tribal imagery from around the world.
This and other recent pieces are also practice runs for larger scale painted pieces - watch this space.
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