I had a great time at the Willington Arts Trail. I was housed in the Old School Building and to be honest it was a bit cramped and it still looked like a nursery, a bit more effort could have been made to clear the walls of pinned up notices and various every day items. It has to be said that the allocated space for each artist was somewhat random, myself and the artist next to me only had a tiny space in which to display, some artists had over twice the space. I didn't get chance to visit the venue before the show, it seems space was allocated on a first come first served basis which in my opinion is a bit unprofessional, still i can make this point to the committee, i'm sure they will be happy to listen to feedback.
On the whole the show was a little bit 'arts & crafts' for my work but i did get a lot of good feedback and met some other artists with really interesting work. The first of these was Nicky Ward. Her pieces are created using paint, material and all sorts of household waste and bits and bobs. She uses these to create stunning landscapes. One piece was created using the contents of her hand luggage from a trip she made to San Francisco. www.nickywardart.co.uk

Another artist with interesting work was Niall Young. He uses a technique known as 'hyperpointillism' which basically means he creates images using thousands of tiny pixel like dots. As well as doing mainstream local landscape work he creates some amazing surreal imagery, have a look at his website. www.nialleyoung.com