I've decided to enter 8 pieces into the now legendary Postcard Show at the Surface Gallery in Nottingham. It's a bit of a strange one this! As the Surface website says, "Work can be of any medium, content, purpose and all works entered will be exhibited. The one specification is that work must fit within the dimensions of a standard 6” x 4” postcard". Having to fill something the size of a postcard would be easy you might think, but it was actually quite tricky coming up with something original and eye catching.
As i've said before one of the great things about working in a mainly digital medium is that it allows me to scale work up to a huge size or in this case shrink it to postcard size. All the images apart from one have been created specifically for the exhibition but it's helpful to be able to create them on a larger scale and then reduce them after. Of course some of these pieces may well see the light of day again in a bigger format. To be honest a couple of them are still early drafts of more intricate unfinished works.
Anyway, the Surface Gallery seem like a great outfit, i can't wait to visit their place, it looks like a great space to display and i'm hoping that next year i can do a proper show there as they seem keen on seeking out new proposals for their exhibition calendar. The Gallery is located in the Nottingham Voluntary Action Centre which is on Mansfield Road opposite House of Fraser and the Peacock Pub hotel. www.surfacegallery.org
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