Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Willington Arts Trail

I had a great time at the Willington Arts Trail. I was housed in the Old School Building and to be honest it was a bit cramped and it still looked like a nursery, a bit more effort could have been made to clear the walls of pinned up notices and various every day items. It has to be said that the allocated space for each artist was somewhat random, myself and the artist next to me only had a tiny space in which to display, some artists had over twice the space. I didn't get chance to visit the venue before the show, it seems space was allocated on a first come first served basis which in my opinion is a bit unprofessional, still i can make this point to the committee, i'm sure they will be happy to listen to feedback.
On the whole the show was a little bit 'arts & crafts' for my work but i did get a lot of good feedback and met some other artists with really interesting work. The first of these was Nicky Ward. Her pieces are created using paint, material and all sorts of household waste and bits and bobs. She uses these to create stunning landscapes. One piece was created using the contents of her hand luggage from a trip she made to San Francisco. www.nickywardart.co.uk

Another artist with interesting work was Niall Young. He uses a technique known as 'hyperpointillism' which basically means he creates images using thousands of tiny pixel like dots. As well as doing mainstream local landscape work he creates some amazing surreal imagery, have a look at his website. www.nialleyoung.com

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

My work on the Big Screen

Many thanks to Louise Angell, the Big Screen manager at BBC Radio Derby for letting me display my work on the Big Screen in Derby marketplace. It's a good opportunity for any creative people in Derbyshire to get their work seen by a wider audience and yes it's free! I'm hoping to do an updated version soon perhaps with some video content, when i have some video content to use that is! Louise is always interested in seeing suitable quality material that can be displayed so it's worth getting in touch with her if you have any ideas.
I won't post her contact details here but if you email me i will gladly pass on your details.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Sleeping Gods Lie

This is an interesting piece insomuch as it has been drawn using very basic materials. I started with the roughest of pencil outlines which i then started to layer with coloured pencils, marker pens and felt tips. I like the idea of using materials that are cheap, close at hand, everyday items. I'm sure that i'm by no means the first artist to employ such techniques to produce a finished piece in fact i feel it harks back to those old school techniques that we all used when we were children. It embraces spontaneity and simplicity, it's something that anyone with an interest in art can have a go at without laying out on expensive materials.
The piece itself is reminiscent of early Mexican art although that wasn't a direct influence, as with much of my art it's just the way it turned out although i did want to evoke a feeling of days long gone when powerful, colourful images adorning the temple wall would inspire and overawe the viewer. I think a lot of my work embraces styles used in tribal imagery from around the world.
This and other recent pieces are also practice runs for larger scale painted pieces - watch this space.

Textile Pattern Designs

These are my first attempts at textile design. Initially the idea is to print these three designs onto fabric at 800x800, they will then be mounted on a box canvas frame for display but ultimately i want to have a go at creating patterns and other designs for use on a range of items, anything from cushions and curtains for interior design ideas to clothing and accessories.
The printing will be done at the University of Derby who have a great print studio at the Markeaton Lane site, reasonable rates.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

My Flickr


miles tebbutt's itemsGo to miles tebbutt's photostream

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Banks' Mill Open Studios

Looking forward to my first open studio at the Mill. A real opportunity to get noticed by the good people of Derby. I will post more info on the event as it gets a bit nearer.


Artists, you should register with this website, it seems to be based in Berlin and it has a huge European following. A personal web page is available for free, although it can be upgraded for a small fee. Work can be posted into online exhibitions, either stills or video. There is also a cheap advertising service for real events that will be seen by people all over the universe.