At last i have a studio. I have moved into Banks' Mill, yes, i am a resident. This is great news, it's a real opportunity for me to move forward within the creative community. Everyone that i've met so far at the Mill are top people and i've only met a fraction of them. I would say the only downside is the location of my studio - the 4th floor - no lift!!! Much exercise. It was most interesting carrying my antique solid wood office desk up 4 flights of stairs. I've just hung my work on the walls, it makes it look like a mini gallery. Now i just have to get the tools in place, my Dad, who helped me carry said desk upstairs, is making me a drawing board, i have to purchase an easel and finally purchase my Macbook Pro which should be next week when i get the funds from the Uni. These items will turn it into a working studio rather than just a gallery. All i have to do then is start selling lots of work.