First of all i don't personally feel trapped, not anymore. I used to, trapped by my own mistakes and failings, but that was a long time ago when my life was going nowhere, or perhaps just going down the pan. But i sorted myself out. Of course along the way i was trapped in another all too familiar way, yes, by an unfullfilling job. But i like my current job and my artistic career is taking off so no trappage at the moment.
I'm sure many people have been or are in similar situations, a crappy job or perhaps a bad relationship. Maybe you feel trapped by a physical or mental disability or i suppose you could be actually trapped in a lift and you're looking at this to pass the time until the maintenance crew get you out!
The point is, you can probably relate to this image in some way. The case represents a small confined space, a claustrophobic atmosphere which would only make the situation worse. But of course the person within has screamed so hard that the case is shattered, the ink from some unknown contract runs over her face and out of the case. Is there escape? Perhaps. But a hand reaches down to grab the handle and it's a red hand, is it her tormentor, or a saviour? Is there a saviour from her situation? Who knows, but there hopefully is for you if you are locked in a case.